Anyone else not a fan of running? Lol. If you’re a runner, kudos to you. But let me give you my 3 reasons why I personally hate running:

1. It’s not an efficient use of your time. I could run for 2 hours or get a better workout in, in just 30 minutes!!!

2. It doesn’t tone your muscles. Look at the difference in sprinters and marathon runners. Who’s more toned and tight? And who’s just skinny? Or skinny/fat?

3. It’s BORING! Anyone else have a short attention span? When doing a HIIT workout, you’re constantly changing moves and doing different things. No boredom there!!

Trust me, I’ve been there and done that! And I’m in much better shape now than spending hours on the treadmill or elliptical.

Ditch the tennis shoes and grab some weights!!


i hate running

I love it when I find healthy gems!! I picked up this strawberry protein pancake mix at my local Vitamin Shoppe store. The mix is low in net carbs, high in protein and fiber. Not to mention it is delicious!!

It’s perfect for a weekend morning breakfast!  They are delicious topped with fresh strawberries and sugar free pancake syrup! This recipe is hubby approved. 🙂


straw pan

Ladies! Don’t be afraid to lift heavy! Lifting heavy taxes your muscles more so that you build more muscle and burn fat!! So toss those little pink and purple weights and grab a heavy! I used a 35lb today for my sumo squat finisher! Dripping sweat and got a great workout in this morning!

If you ever go to the gym, take notice of the people there and what they are doing: cardio? Weights? Plyometrics? Who looks to be the most fit? Who would you aspire to be like?

Definitely the people who lift weights! They are tighter and toned and overall look more FIT.

I’ve increased my weights the past few months and I’ve noticed a HUGE CHANGE!!! I am stronger than ever, can do more repetitions than ever, lift heavier and check this out: I CAN DO PUSHUPS ALL THE WAY DOWN!!

When I do Burpees, I OWN them. Full body all the way to the ground in the pushup portion. I’ve NEVER been able to do that.

I know it’s because of my heavy weight lifting.

Muscles are sexy. Strong is sexy.

Let’s be strong ladies! 🙂


35 lb dumbbell

Looking for a delicious summertime treat or a post-workout shake? Then check out my recipe for a Double Strawberry Shake! It’s loaded with protein and is low in carbs. It’s a perfect way to beat a craving and stay on track for your goals.

Double strawberry protein shake

-1 cup fresh strawberries
– 1 cup ice
-1 scoop @questnutrition strawberries and cream protein powder
– 2 tsp SF FF cheesecake pudding mix
-1 tsp stevia
Add all ingredients with water (or unsweetend almond milk) and blend!


Screen Shot 2015-06-14 at 11.33.47 AM Screen Shot 2015-06-14 at 11.34.04 AM

Time is precious, let’s face it. There never seems like enough hours in the day; work, home, kids and other commitments can leave you strapped for time.

So why spend HOURS at the gym when you really ONLY need 30 minutes?

Yep! That’s right JUST 30 minutes 3x a week is all you need to achieve your fat loss goals.

How does this work?

It’s called reaching “EPOC”.

What is EPOC?

EPOC is an acronym for Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption.  Exercise research has shown that you can burn fat and calories for up to 48 HOURS after your workout when reach EPOC.

 Here’s the scoop:

  1. During your workouts, your body uses oxygen to fuel your muscles.  You start breathing harder…
  2. The more intense your workout, you start to breathe harder and use up more oxygen.
  3. When you use up oxygen, you create a deficit that needs to be restored. Your body likes to be balanced and to balance it back, your body will burn fat and calories after your workout.

What’s really important is to do is to make sure your body is burning fat after the workout. Certain things need to be in place to make sure fat burning is at an optimal level.

Compared to traditional cardio workouts, HIIT or Aspiring Fitness Workouts will create a longer afterburn of fat!! Check out the graph below!



Photo courtesy of Metabolic Effect

So, the secret to burning fat in the most efficient way is short bursts of exercise that taxes your muscles and increases your heart rate. This is my heart rate AFTER a recent Aspiring Fitness workout:

Screen Shot 2015-06-14 at 11.15.30 AM

Increasing my heart rate up to 134 (about double my resting rate) will burn fat for 48 hours after my workout and give me the quick and efficient workout that I need!


Looking for an easy, delicious dinner that’s quick AND healthy? Try these stuffed peppers, they are low carb and fat loss friendly!!
Screen Shot 2015-05-28 at 9.52.56 PM
Cooking Time:30  
Serves: 2-3
  • 2-3 large green, orange, or yellow bell peppers
  • 1 pound lean 93/7 ground beef or ground turkey
  • 1 medium white onion, diced
  • 1 large can of diced tomatoes
  • Garlic salt, to taste
  • 1 cup of shredded mexican blend cheese
  • Pepper to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
  2. Cut the tops off the peppers and remove all the seeds and white stuff on the inside. Simmer peppers in boiling water for 5 minutes
  3. Heat olive oil in large skillet over medium heat. Stir in onions, garlic and diced tomato and saute for about 3 minutes. Stir in ground beef. Cook the meat until it is no longer pink. Stir and cook until no juice remains.
  4. Stuff the mixture into the hollowed-out peppers. Place stuffed peppers onto a cookie sheet
  5. Bake in preheated oven for 12-15 minutes.
  6. Top with shredded cheese and bake for 5 additional minutes.
  7. Allow to cool, they will be HOT! Enjoy!! 🙂

Zucchini Chips


A summertime, delicious treat that is a healthy low carb alternative!


  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees F
  • Spray cookie sheet with cooking spray
  • Slice zucchini’s thin and place evenly on cookie sheet, spray again.
  • Sprinkle with sea salt and seasoning
  • Bake 20 minutes, flip and bake for another 20 minutes on the other side.
  • Zucchini’s are done when light toasted brown color.
  • Enjoy!

So, how do you burn fat? By being more efficient with your workouts! The Aspiring Fitness workouts I’ve designed through my certification with Metabolic Effect, combines cardio with weight training to give you more fat burning for your workout buck!

People are SO surprised when I tell them that they only need to workout for 30 minutes 3x/week.

How does this work?

It’s called reaching “EPOC”.

What is EPOC?

EPOC is an acronym for Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption.  Exercise research has shown that you can burn fat and calories for up to 48 HOURS after your workout when reach EPOC.

 Here’s the scoop:

  1. During your workouts, your body uses oxygen to fuel your muscles.  You start breathing harder…
  2. The more intense your workout, you start to breathe harder and use up more oxygen.
  3. When you use up oxygen, you create a deficit that needs to be restored. Your body likes to be balanced and to balance it back, your body will burn fat and calories after your workout.

What’s really important is to do is to make sure your body is burning fat after the workout. Certain things need to be in place to make sure fat burning is at an optimal level.

Compared to traditional cardio workouts, HIIT or Aspiring Fitness Workouts will create a longer afterburn of fat!! Check out the graph below!

 afterburn-effectPhoto courtesy of Metabolic Effect
 3 ways to burn calories after your workout is over:
  • Replace muscle glycogen.  With these types of workouts, your body will use muscle glycogen as a primary source of fuel.  Your body will be insulin sensitive as a result and you will need to eat a starchy carb and protein source as a snack to replenish and build muscle. My favorite Post-Workout Snack? 1 cup of Reese’s Puff Cereal and a chocolate whey protein shake!!
  • Relax.  When your workout is over, you will probably feel hot, sweaty and increased heart beat. Your heart is working hard to supply blood, nutrients and energy to your muscles and the rest of your body, so your heart rate will increase.  It may take awhile to have your heart return to it’s normal pulse, and this helps increase fat burning.
  • Muscle Repair.  When you’re weight training, your muscles are being torn down and built back up. Remember that increased muscle leads to increased metabolic potential. So increased muscle will help keep that fat off and help burn it off as well!!

These body functions all require oxygen and fuel. AND, the fuel is uses is FAT!! Aside from calories, fat is used as an energy source! Which is what we want to reshape and tone our bodies!!

Last night, I was wondering just what to make for dinner. I had lots of random things in my pantry and fridge, but what could I do with them? I texted my good friend Amanda Mackowski about a dish that she had made. I just happened to have all the ingredients on hand! Yes!! I love it when that happens. So, I poured myself a nice glass of red moscato and got to work in creating something totally new and different. Btw, it’s hubby approved!!

Spaghetti Squash Pizza Casserole




  • 1 large spaghetti squash
  • 1 can of tomato sauce
  • 1 can of crushed tomatoes
  • 1 lb of ground lean turkey
  • 1/2 package of turkey pepperoni’s
  • 2 cups of shredded mexican cheese/ or mozzarella
  • 1/2 tbsp garlic salt
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper
  • 2 tbsp pizza seasoning
  • 2 tsp dried oregano
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese


  • Cut squash in half lengthwise and place upside down on a cookie sheet. Cook for 40 minutes at 400 degrees in oven.
  • While squash is cooking, brown ground turkey meat in a skillet on the stove.
  • Once the turkey is browned, add the tomato sauced and crushed tomatoes to the skillet. Add the garlic salt, pepper, pizza seasoning and oregano to the mix. Stir well and allow the sauce to bubble. Once it’s bubbling, turn to simmer or off.
  • When squash is done, allow to cool for a few minutes. Flip over and use a fork to shred the squash into noodle-like strands.
  • Put the “noodles” into a large bowl and add; sauce mixture, Mexican/mozzarella cheese and 1/4 of the package of turkey pepperoni’s. Stir well.
  • Spray a 9″ x 13″ glass pan with cooking spray and place mixture from large bowl into the pan.
  • Spread mixture evenly into pan, place pepperoni’s on top and sprinkle with Parmesan Cheese.
  • Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
  • Enjoy!!


Macros for 1/6th of the pan: 379 calories, 20g fat, 24g carbs, 30g protein.


The other day I was scrolling through my social media newsfeed and I saw a post from a friend of mine who had recently had a baby. It said, “Just finished my run, now I’m drinking my protein shake!!” She was all excited because she had just worked out and is doing something great for her body. I can assume that she is trying really hard to get her pre-baby body back. Now, although I applaud her efforts to make herself healthier, I’m slightly frustrated and almost sad for her.

Why would I be sad? Because she is just spinning her wheels in her efforts to get fit. What will eventually happen is she will lose a little bit of “weight”, plateau, get frustrated at no progress and throw in the towel altogether. Plus she was drinking a protein shake after a cardio workout, which will not help her in building muscle like it would after weight training.

How do I know this? Because this WAS me! Read my story Here!

There’s a smarter way to exercise that will lead to REAL body change, with REAL results.

To get more bang for your buck, the key to sustainable fat loss is efficient exercise. The best exercises for this are short duration, and high intensity workouts, also known as HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).

Weight Training combined with HIIT and Rest Based Training are the most efficient method for Fat loss.
I used to spend hours a week at the gym, an hour of cardio here and there and some light-moderate weight exercises. My nutrition was pretty good (high protein, low carb, low fat) , but for working out over 6 hours a week, I kept wondering why I wasn’t getting any results.
The answer is simple: my workouts weren’t efficient. I wasn’t working out smart.
I was doing long duration, moderate intensity workouts that, would burn some calories during the time I spent on the elliptical. But I was doing almost nothing to change my metabolic potential. I learned that if I wanted results, I had to be smarter with my workouts. I had to learn how to work smarter, and not harder. All of that being said, time spent on the elliptical or the treadmill is better than time spent not exercising. But cardio is not the BEST thing you could be doing to attain to your specific goals. When fat loss is your goal, you want to be using the most efficient method of exercise.

How do you know if you are working out efficiently?

1) Are you reaching EPOC?
AKA “Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption, which is the higher metabolic rate that is observed by an exerciser well after their workout finishes. You can reach EPOC when you are working out at or near 100% of your VO2 Max. The easiest way to tell this is if you are breathless, your muscles are burning, you are getting hot and sweaty, and you are lifting heavy (the B’s and the H’s!). When you reach EPOC, you will be burning fat for 24-48 hours after your workout!! EPOC is actually linked to intensity of exercise, not duration. Having short, intense workouts let you take full benefit of EPOC and it’s hormonal afterburn, which will help you burn fat well after your workout is over.
2) How much time are you spending in the gym?
As busy women, we don’t have time to spend HOURS in the gym. Being more efficient with your time and energy is a win-win. Numerous studies have shown that even with overall training time being much less, people who perform short duration, high intensity workouts for short periods of time had better results in areas of body fat, weight loss, and fitness related goals than those who train for endurance. So in less time, more fat and more calories are burned. Another advantage is that it is much easier to be consistent with your workouts when they are quick! So not only will you be able to stick to your workouts easier, you will attain your goals easier and faster. I used to workout for 6 hours a week and now it’s only about 1 1/2 hours a week! And I’m in better shape now!!
3) Is your body shape changing?
The amount of fat and muscle on your body is body composition, and it also aids in your metabolic potential. Through EPOC and our high intensity and short duration workouts, we can increase our metabolism by maintaining lean muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn (at rest!) and the calories that are being burned are coming from fat sources. On the other hand, less muscle mass equates to less fat being burned during and after exercise. Cardio exercises (running, elliptical, etc) may burn a small amount of fat, but you will also burn muscle with it as well. By burning muscle, the result is a slowed metabolism, and thwarting your progress. You would find that you would have to run longer and longer each time to keep losing “weight”. Therefore increasing your workout times. The short duration and high intensity workouts will burn fat AND preserve muscle, which then helps your body burn fat efficiently and stay lean.
So, what did this mean for Me? (And for all the women out there who are cardio junkies…. with no results)?
Basically, you’re burning less calories, less fat, by doing an hour on the elliptical or treadmill over 20 minutes of HIIT with rest based training. Pushing yourself until you can’t and resting until you can is a cardinal rule of rest based training and efficient exercise.
HIIT workouts are the best methods of exercise for fat burning. So, for best results in less time, keep your workouts short, 20-30 minutes, but keep it intense with AspiringFit Life workouts that include high intensity hybrid weight training circuits, sprints and metabolic conditioning.
By doing this, you will increase your metabolic potential, keep your lean muscle mass, burn your fat, and achieve YOUR goals sooner!
Workout smarter, not harder. So ditch the treadmill and grab some dumbbells! 🙂