Let’s face it, we are busy women. Life is hectic, work is stressful, family can be stressful. All of the daily things that we have to do pile up and it gets overwhelming.

But I want you to take time for yourself. Do something daily, by yourself that lets you unwind and relax. It’s important for our health to take care of ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

I’ve personally started a new habit for the end of the week. As some of you may know, I’m a dental hygienist by day and a nutrition coach on the side. My passion is helping people become their healthiest. But my job takes a toll on my body, and dealing with cranky people who tell you that they hate coming to see you, takes a toll as well.

My new habit is this; I take a relaxing epsom salt bubble bath, turn the lights off, light an aromatherapy candle, play some relaxing music and pour myself a glass of my favorite wine.

Why? Because it’s something I NEED to do for ME. I am not being selfish by doing this in any way. I just need that time to decompress and destress. That allows me to be the best wife to my husband and the best person I can be to others.

How do you destress?

Exercise? Long walks? Cup of Coffee?



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