First of all, you may be wondering; “what the heck is a BCAA?” BCAA’s are an acronym for Branch Chain Amino Acids. They are comprised of Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine. These are essential Amino Acids, which means they are necessary for body function.

But what do they do?

Basically they have a branched side chain that turns the amino acid into energy. Scientifically speaking, they enter into the Kreb’s Cycle and help spin the Kreb’s cycle faster, which in turn causes you to have more molecular energy, and in layman’s terms THEY HELP YOU BURN FAT FASTER!

BCAA’s also help curb hunger and cravings. So if you’re getting a hankering for something sweet, drink some BCAA’s instead!

Other benefits of BCAA’s include:

  • They reduce muscle soreness from weight training
  • Provide muscle and energy production in workouts
  • Reduce muscle fatigue in workouts
  • Inhibits muscle cell breakdown
  • Improves insulin sensitivity
  • Curbs hunger and cravings
  • Enhance muscle protein synthesis
  • Increase fat burning and aids with fat loss
  • Supports hormone balance during intense training

My favorite brand is Scivation and I totally dig the mango flavor! It’s super yummy and totally hits the spot! Check out this supplement and other products I recommend here!!

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