Hey there!!

It’s the start of a new year and this is the time that people start setting goals for themselves. Did you know that a large majority of people are NOT successful in accomplishing their goals? In fact, about 92% of people FAIL at completing their goals that they aspire to accomplish. I saw this meme the other day and thought about ways that this year we can #makeitstick.


Screen Shot 2016-01-02 at 11.05.24 AMPhoto courtesy of Google Images


Ways we can accomplish our goals:

1. Write it down – If you write down your goals and look at them frequently, this will help you stay focused and remind yourself of your goal. Put it in your journal, your phone, on your fridge, anywhere that you might see it.

2. Have a plan – It sounds silly, but most people don’t have a plan!! I see a lot of people at the gym or at the sporting goods store who look dazed and confused at the first of the year, wandering around, and not really knowing what to do. When you don’t have a plan, you don’t have clear direction on this journey you’re taking. Therefore, you will get lost along the way to accomplishing your goals.

3. Have accountability – Having someone you can check in with on a daily basis will help you stay on track. Also, knowing that you have to report to someone will help you “not cheat” on your progress in the way of accomplishing your goals.

4. Be focused – You have to really WANT this! Your body and mind should be crying out in desperation of what you want to accomplish. You have to decide to do this no matter what happens, you will be successful in what you want to do. I’ve had several big goals in my life (graduate college, lose weight, get out of debt, etc) and EVERY time I have decided that THIS IS IT!! I’m doing this, there’s no turning back, no one can stop me now! Find that determination within you. Why are you doing this? What’s your purpose? If you don’t have a driving force behind your determination, it will fizzle out eventually. Find that ONE thing that will drive you to the end.

5. Commit- Follow through with what you have planned to do. This is the most important step. You have to actually follow through with your plan in order to achieve your goals. Instead of looking at the long term goal; “I want to lose 100lbs before the end of the year”, take it DAY BY DAY. It’s much less daunting this way. I look at it like this: “this month I will try to lose 10lbs” or “this month I want to pay off one of my loans” or “this week I want to get in all of my workouts”. Look at the smaller picture and tackle small goals that are apart of the larger picture. It’s not only less intimidating, but it will give you quick wins and help keep you driven and determined!

If your goal this year is to get healthy and lose fat. Then Aspiring Fitness is for YOU!! Each program comes with a written nutrition and exercise plan that you can do from home! No gym membership or fancy equipment needed. We have an online accountability group where you can interact with others who have similar goals to yours. Discovering your why and following through will help you succeed!

Check out our programs HERE!

No matter your goal, you can accomplish it! You got this!!

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