It’s 3 days after Christmas, and it’s almost the end of the holiday season. Christmas was filled with family, friends, fun and of course, food.

It seems like every holiday is centered around food, unfortunately. But completely abstaining from holiday events and food can make you feel like a martyr and feel miserable. Now, even though you have goals you are aspiring to, it doesn’t mean that you have to completely abstain. A few bites of treats here and there WON’T kill you or set you back terribly. In fact, it can help you reach your goals easier and faster as it allows you to have a small taste of freedom and prevents you from falling off the wagon completely.

BUT, in the case that you do fall off the wagon, it’s OK!! Life is meant to be enjoyed and if you enjoy just a little too much around the holidays, that’s ok!! You have to forgive yourself and move on with it. Don’t let this become a bad habit or lifestyle, because that’s not healthy. But learn to forgive yourself from the mistakes you’ve made and learn from the experience. Move on, don’t dwell on the mistake, learn from it, embrace it and change it. What can you do better next time?

I used to beat myself up for making mistakes, so I know that you HAVE to learn to forgive yourself. We are constantly learning new things. So I let these mistakes be a learning opportunity for myself.

Forgive yourself. Love yourself. Love your body. Love health.


Here’s to a healthy and happy 2016!!



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